Gravity racks


Many wholesale warehouses and large-scale wholesale production use racks of this type for intermediate storage of a large volume of the same type of products with a strictly limited shelf life. Especially gravity shelving racks are in demand in warehouses with an intensive turnover of goods, since they automate and significantly speed up the process of shipping products and picking shipments.


Advantages of gravity shelving:

  1. High density of cargo storage due to the block structure. Storage volume in equal rooms using gravity racks can be increased by up to 60%.
  2. Separation of loading and unloading racks. Warehouse personnel and/or lifting equipment in these areas do not interfere with each other and can work in parallel.
  3. Storage in gravity racks is based on the FIFO principle (first in, first out). This principle is carried out automatically.
  4. The movement of cargo inside the channel of the gravity rack is carried out automatically under the action of gravity and does not require the use of lifting equipment or the cost of electricity. In general, fewer pieces of lifting equipment are required compared to traditional types of shelving equipment (front racks).